Yesterday, just a while after I wrote the last post about Rachael's 2 new teeth, we went to the park to play. While swinging, Rachael tipped her head back to laugh. That's when I saw another tooth, I'm not sure, but I think it's a molar. It has emerged even more than the 2 I knew about. Bizarre. Well, no wonder she's been more screamy than usual. Apparently she is going to be quite the individual and not do things the way everyone else does.
Pictures please! I am left imagining how cute little Rachael is so a snapshot would be great! As for the little individual . . . she is her mother's daughter. That's all I have to say about that.
Teething is yucky! It didn't bother my little girl a bit, but wow its been bad with my baby boy!
Hey, thanks for the invite! Soooo....I couldn't help but notice the "announcement" on the side. CONGRATS! I had no idea :0)
P.S. I'm glad your my new vt partner!
Wow!!!! Thanks for the subtle announcement. Next time...FB it for the world to know!!! Congrats and here is to what seems like a quick pregnancy and a healthy baby!
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