Friday, February 25, 2011


I've been having dreams lately where I've been extremely frustrated. I hate it when I have emotional dreams because when I wake up I'm still in that state and it's hard not to act accordingly. I figured out this morning that my recent spate of dreams has had a theme: waiting. In the dreams it's usually Patrick I'm waiting for, but I'm pretty sure my subconscious is really tired of waiting for the baby.
We have 2 1/2 weeks to our due date, March 15. So in the spirit of doing something productive ;) I will now open it up for your bets. What day and time do you think the baby will actually come?
FYI: Rachael was 2 days late...but I might have to hurt anyone who thinks this baby will be any later than that.


Momcob said...

I wil say the 13th only because I was going to say the 23rd but I didn't want to get beat up.

carolee said...

Baby's coming on the 12th. In the afternoon.

the ginabean said...

My bet is Anna will come just in time for Patrick's birthday; let's say...March 16th around lunch time. Yes?