Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Grand Summer Vision

I have a Grand Vision for this summer. Ok, it’s not that big, but it feels grand that I actually have a well laid out plan and not just some nebulous idea that may or may not happen. Here is my plan. I have decided that we will do 1 project each day Monday through Thursday. The projects will fall under one of the following four subjects: Reading, Science, Art, and Math. I’ve looked online and found enough activities to fill the entire summer for each subject. Yay me! I also decided to blog about them so that I am a little more accountable for actually carrying out my grand vision. 

So, here is our first week. The girls were super excited about having projects each day. They were sad on Friday and Saturday when I told them we didn’t have anything that day. On Monday, we had reading. We made Alphabet Monsters. I wrote each letter on a piece of paper and then we made them into monsters by drawing on eyes and legs and tails and things. Rachael went into a lot of detail making her monsters. We then gave each one a name that started with its letter.

On Tuesday, we did science. I pulled out the big guns with this one: magnets. I had the girls gather different items and we tested which ones were magnetic. The girls drew their observations in their notebooks and then got to use our really strong magnet to move things around in a cardboard box lid. The giggling was awesome.

Wednesday was art day. We headed outside and made wet chalk drawings on the sidewalk. Rachael helped by labeling everyone’s drawings. The girls did not want to come in. 

Thursday we explored patterns for math day. First I made patterns using the wooden shapes and they had to figure out what came next. Then they made their own patterns for me to figure out. Lastly, we made figures out of the shapes.

Hurray for a successful first week.

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