Thursday, August 28, 2014

Week 5...Yes, we are Alive.

I made a concerted effort to get it together this week. We had some really fun projects. For our reading day, we took the alphabet cards we made in an earlier week and attached pictures of items starting with those letters that the girls found and cut out in magazines. Anna liked the cutting practice. Towards the end, it started getting difficult to find things that began with certain letters. Notably, z and q were easy (zipper and queen). X, not so much.

For science, we continued our discussion of plants and talked about leaves and their jobs. Then we made leaf prints of a variety of leaves from our yard. Rachael was very detailed in painting her leaves as you can see.

We made rainbow arches for art and talked about color order. Rachael hung hers on the fridge, and every time I see it out of the corner of my eye while I’m at the stove cooking, I’m startled thinking someone is standing there watching me.

We worked on estimation during our math project. We talked about guessing and then educated guessing using pompoms in different sized mason jars. In retrospect, I would use something not so squishy so that our educated guesses would be closer. The girls mostly liked putting the pompoms in and taking them out again.

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