Saturday, July 23, 2011


Anna found her thumb. Heaven help us, but it's cute.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Blow Out

So, Anna has a tendency to, ummm, explode out of her diaper (see exhibits A & B from about 2 months ago).

Since this has been an ongoing issue. We decided to switch diaper brands. We were using Huggies. Today was our first day with Pampers. Can we say, DISMAL FAILURE. The one tonight put this one to shame. So consider the following questions:
  • Is there some magic trick to making diapers hold the contents they are made to hold?
  • Is my daughter's bum weird?
  • Is there another brand that might work?
  • Is there any point to trying to contain the mess?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Grabby Anna

Anna has been working on her grasping skills this week. It seems like last week she couldn't quite reach the rings on her bouncy seat. Today she grabbed the hippo above them. I wish I could learn something new that quickly.