Thursday, August 28, 2014

Week 6

We matched pictures to the letters that they started with for our reading project. Anna was able to do a few of them, when Rachael would let her. 

For science, we talked about gravity. I used colored water to show how things fall down when you don't hold them up. Then we explored ways of getting the water to go from a lower bucket to a higher one, including using spoons and soap pumps.

We made sun prints for art. We each choose 5 small objects to put on our construction papers. Then we set them on the front step in the sun. Waiting was the hardest part of this project. Rachael and Anna just had to keep checking theirs. It really only took about an hour in the bright sunshine for the paper to fade and leave a good print of our things.

Sadly, our math project just did not happen this week. 

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