Sunday, April 6, 2014

Girls Only Trip- Part I

The girls and I took a "spring break" trip with my mom and two of my nieces, Marti and Emersyn. On Saturday, we drove to Ramona, CA just outside of San Diego where my aunt and uncle are serving a mission at Camp Wildwood Ranch. On the drive we listened to Ramona the Pest on CD. That brought back memories as well as a scary likeness of Rachael. It was a really long drive.

Sunday after church, Linda and Ron took us for a hay ride tour of the camp. The girls were ecstatic. I loved all the plants and flowers. They reminded me of growing up in San Jose. I wish I knew more of their names.

 I'll call this one a daisy tree.

She is so fearless. 

These are called Ice Plant according to my mom.

The Bird of Paradise were on their way out, but I still like them.
Marti, so dramatic.

Uncle Ron obliged the girls with a few rides in the Can Am. Rachael was thrilled.

The girls climbed one of the larger rocks and this was some of the view.

Apparently, there were two fires that came through the camp about ten or so years ago. You can still see fire damage on some of the tress.

These are geraniums. They look like shrubs, not little plants you get on Mother's Day.

I have never noticed the pattern on these before. I assume it is from the leaves being pressed against each other at some point, but it's pretty darn cool.

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